At Mundijuegos we wish our players to have a great time, meet people from all over the world and play to the fullest! 🎉
We are not just a gaming platform, we also have a great community where you can come every day to hang and have fun! Here you can chat and play with your friends, make new friends, share pictures and be connected with people from all over the world.
Although they may be behind a screen, they are real people who deserve the same treatment as anyone else, but always with sportsmanship, respect, tolerance and good manners towards fellow players and towards the diversity of cultures and people who are part of the community. :)
We don't like it and we are not here to play the role of a 👮, but for the good atmosphere of our community, there are things that are not welcome on our platform and may be punished; such as disrespectful behavior, inappropriate content and/or game cheating.
Therefore, we have established some basic rules of conduct on Mundigames. You can find more information below. If you have any questions, our support team will be happy to help you. 😊
- Player names / nicknames
- Pictures uploaded to the profile
- Language in chat, insults, harassment, spam
- Cheating in games