Arena games are skill-based. You win or lose according to your performance compared to your opponent's. For example, if you play faster or make better combinations, you get a higher score. For example, if you play faster or make better combinations, you get a higher score.
First, you will play against the CPU. Depending on the score you get, you can win or lose this first stage of the game. But that is not yet the final result. You have to wait for your opponent to play.
Your opponent will play asynchronously the same match you have played against the same CPU. That match is exactly the same (same cards and balls in bingo and same tiles in dominoes).
When your opponent finishes playing, their score will be compared with yours. It is then that the fine result will be defined. Whoever has the highest score wins the game and gets the prize in chips. In case of a tie, the winner is the person who started the game first.
All Arena games are recorded in the Game History. You can check and view them again by clicking on the “Replay” button, which you can find by tapping each match you have played.
If you have questions about a specific game, please contact us providing the date and time and the matchID. You can find it entering the Game History and tapping match. You will see the details with the ID at the bottom of the screen. You can also send us a screenshot of that.